
Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享

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Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Feature Summary

Two-Path Macro:Instructors who focus exclusively on Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model can now more easily skip the Aggregate Expenditure (Keynesian) model than before, while those who teach both the AD/AS and AE models can continue to do so in a logical manner.

A Patient, Step-by-Step Approach: Realizing that for most students, this is their first introduction to economics, the authors take a patient, step-by step approach to teaching the material. The authors explain the theory and models slowly and thoroughly.

Multiple-choice “Quick Quizzes” to accompany the Key Graphs. Graphs that have special relevance are labeled “Key Graphs,” and each includes a multiple-choice quiz. These 4-question quizzes allow students to test their understanding before moving on. Answers are provided on the page, but upside down.

博客來Figure Legends: Legends accompanying diagrams are often in-depth, self-contained analyses of the concepts. The legends are quick synopses of important ideas. They help the students understand the visual representations more fully.

Study Questions and Problems: Up to 30 questions and problems follow every chapter. The questions cover concepts and material from the博客來網路書店 chapter, while the problems ask students to apply those concepts.

Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2016/01/13
  • 語言:英文

Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享 評比 博客來網路書局

Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享

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Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享
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Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)博客來特惠價分享


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